CeBIT2016: Launch of the European Digital SME Alliance
- CeBIT of Hannover hosts the launch event of the „European Digital SME Alliance“
- President Dr. Oliver Grün presents 10 ideas to boost Europe’s digital economy
- Grün delivers the 10 ideas to Gerard de Graaf, EC Director for Digital Economy
PIN-SME, the European association of ICT small and medium sized enterprises, launched the European Digital SME Alliance, the largest network ICT small and medium sized enterprises in Europe, representing about 20.000 digital SMEs across the EU. The alliance is the joint effort of 28 national and regional SME associations from EU member states and neighboring countries to put digital SME at the center of the EU agenda.
At the opening event today, Dr. Oliver Grün, president of PIN-SME and now of the European Digital SME Alliance, launched the new Alliance together with representatives from national and regional ICT Associations from several countries Europe. „The European economy is driven by SMEs. Numerous SME champions are arising and many of them are leaders in their national markets. Digitalization and internationalization are keys for the success of these companies“ explains Grün. „ European digital SMEs are providers of digital solutions and enablers of digitalization. We want Europe to exploit their potential.“
In a 10-points-paper, the Alliance summarized concrete ideas for Europe to boost its digital economy and for European SMEs to become the future global leaders. Next to ideas such as harmonization of contract law, VAT, digital infrastructure, copyright and patent law, as well as modernization of access to finance, the paper proposes the creation of a European Hub for Digital SMEs to connect SMEs as an answer to the dominance of large IT multinationals.
On behalf of the Alliance, Grün delivered the 10-points-paper to Gerard de Graaf, Director at the European Commission with responsibility for Digital Economy. De Graaf emphasized the importance of digital SMEs for the European economy. „ Digital SMEs enhance innovation and generate jobs across Europe. They are assets for the successful digitalization of European industry. Strong digital SMEs pave our way to a strong European economy in the future.“